Experiences of care and cure

Sadhana is cheerful

On a bright Saturday morning, we arrived at our clinic to an unexpected sight—a newborn baby girl, only four hours old, resting on our table. She had been referred from a nearby government hospital with a hip displacement issue that required a special belt to help her hip bones align correctly.
As we meticulously took measurements for her custom belt, her concerned grandparents watched anxiously.

We scheduled a follow-up visit for 15 days later. When she returned, her X-rays showed perfect results, and everything was normal.

Today, Sadhana is a cheerful and chirpy little girl, ready for a family gathering.

From tears to cheers

I’m Jegatheeswari from a small village in Tiruvallur District, Tamil Nadu. In 2019, I was overjoyed to welcome my baby girl but was devastated to learn she had clubfoot. The doctor advised treatment in Chennai, which left me in tears. In Chennai, doctors reassured me, performing a minor surgery followed by treatment with orthopedic shoes provided by Sukriti Social Foundation. Over time, with eight changes of shoes, I began to see improvements in her feet. By April 2024, the doctor confirmed that my daughter, Nithyasree, was fully cured. Our happiness was immense, and we are profoundly grateful to everyone at Sukriti for their support.

A Triumph in Strides: Lakshita's Inspiring Journey

When Lakshita first visited us for a prosthesis fitting, she kept her eyes cast down and was silent in response to our questions. Her parents, concerned for her future, anxiously asked, “Will our daughter walk?” We assured them that while progress was possible, it would take time and the parent’s commitment to using the prosthesis.

We fitted her with an extension prosthesis and a gave a  walker for support. Slowly but surely, Lakshita took her first tentative steps with the walker. Today, she walks confidently on her own. Her transformation is nothing short of extraordinary.

Lakshita now beams with joy. Not only does she walk independently, but she also engages in lively conversations. When we asked, “Who braided your hair?” she responded with a bright smile, “My mother did, and my sister has the same hairstyle too.” Her newfound confidence and cheerful demeanor are truly heartwarming.

A New Chapter in Our Lives

Kavinesh’s life has taken a remarkable turn for the better.

“When our son was born, our home was filled with joy. However, we soon discovered he had misaligned knees. He underwent surgery when he was just 45 days old.

The surgery was only part of the journey. Our son needed supportive devices to help realign his knees, and that’s where the Sukriti Social Foundation stepped in. They provided the crucial devices, and although they caused our little one some discomfort, we knew they were vital for his long-term health.

Now, at nearly two years old, we’re thrilled to share that he no longer needs these devices. We’re optimistic about his future and incredibly grateful to Sukriti and the generous donors who made this possible. Their support has truly made a difference in our son’s life, and we’re deeply thankful for their help in ensuring a brighter future for children like ours,” says Kavinesh’s mother.

We congratulated Kavinesh’s mother for her dedication

Rishwanth's Journey: From Struggle to Triumph

When Rishwanth was born, his legs seemed fine. But as he grew, one leg began to bend, causing severe pain and making walking increasingly difficult. His mother recalls, “It was heartbreaking to see our child struggle with something as basic as walking. We felt helpless.”

In their village, there were no orthopedic specialists, and local treatments failed to provide hope. Then, they discovered the Children’s Hospital in Chennai. At just 18 months old, Rishwanth underwent surgery to correct his bent leg. “Seeing his leg in a cast was tough, and his cries were hard to bear. But we hoped he would walk again,” said his mother.

Thanks to the support of generous donors like you, Rishwanth’s recovery included surgery, physical therapy, and special appliances. With each step, his strength grew. Today, Rishwanth is thriving—walking, running, and jumping with joy. His parents are thrilled to see him active and free from pain. “At his last check-up, we were told he no longer needed his appliances. We are so grateful for this incredible transformation,” they share.

Lenin greets his feet with great joy

Seven-year-old Lenin’s joy knew no bounds  as he embarks on journey of moving on his own feet.But this was not as easy as it sounds!  Born with a clubfoot  his mother Elizabeth  feared that he might never be able to walk at all. Doctor’s assurance that surgery would correct the condition was the light at the end of the tunnel. The following year, Lenin had a successful surgery and things were looking great for him as he was seen actively playing and running around with friends.

Shortly after the surgery, Elizabeth approached us for supportive shoes which were instrumental in Lenin’s healing process. Despite being uncomfortable initially, those shoes played a vital role as they helped Lenin regain strength and mobility. There were challenges one after the other. Days of excruciating pain and weeping looked like they could last forever. Healing was never an easy process and in Lenin’s case, he wept in pain upon wearing those shoes continuously. Fortunately, thanks to our encouragement and motivation , Lenin and his mother were able to persevere.

Today, Lenin can greet his feet with great joy. The joy and relief in Elizabeth’s heart are immeasurable as she watches her son embrace his newfound mobility and freedom.

Twins Unstoppable

Every parent hopes for their children to enjoy a carefree childhood. For the parents of twins Kamesh and Kamlesh, this dream faced an unexpected challenge when they learned their sons would struggle with mobility issues. The joy of their birth quickly turned into a series of trials.

The family’s financial constraints made it hard to cover essential costs, like traveling to the city and buying necessary corrective devices after the twins’ surgery. Despite these challenges, they sought help, and we provided the needed appliances.

Rehabilitation after surgery is crucial, and our clinic, is committed to guiding families through this process. Many parents struggle with using and maintaining corrective devices due to a lack of awareness. Even during the lockdown, we stayed in touch through video calls, monitored progress, and arranged replacements through trusted sources.

As time went on, the twins’ feet began to align correctly, confirming the effectiveness of the treatment. Their parents were overjoyed to see their sons running, jumping, and playing—activities that once seemed out of reach.

A journey of hope

I’m Mahesh, and my wife is Revathi. We live in a small village in Tamil Nadu, India. Our youngest child, Puzalarasan, was diagnosed with leg problems during a routine scan. The news was devastating, but we were determined to seek the best treatment for him.

Puzalarasan underwent two surgeries by the age of two. Afterward, we were advised to get him corrective shoes, which led us to the Sukriti Social Foundation. Thanks to their support, we were able to afford the shoes and receive crucial encouragement. Each time Puzalarasan wore the shoes, he cried—and so did we. Yet, we stayed focused on his future, comforting him and ensuring he wore them as needed. Sukriti was always there, ready to replace the shoes whenever necessary.

Gradually, Puzalarasan began to crawl and stand. At four, he took his first steps. The joy in our home was immense. Recently, the doctor confirmed he no longer needs the shoes. We are profoundly grateful to the doctors and Sukriti Social Foundation for their vital support.

Thank you Sukriti – your support made our son’s independence possible.

— Mahesh, Father of Puzalarasan

From despair to hope

“I can hardly imagine how thrilled my son will be to play and live a normal life,” says Nishanth’s mother. Nishanth is running excitedly around their small sitting room in a village in Tamil Nadu, while his teary-eyed mother watches in speechless joy. His father, beaming with pride, is capturing this magical moment on video to share with family and friends. It’s a beautiful milestone for the entire family.

The year 2015 was tough for them. Nishanth was born with a club foot, and the family, heartbroken, sought help at Children’s Hospital. After a series of casts and minor surgeries, we provided Nishanth with foot abduction orthoses for four and a half years. As he grew, we replaced his appliances eight times to ensure a proper fit. During his last visit, the doctor confirmed that Nishanth no longer needed the devices.

“My husband’s earnings as a mason barely cover our family’s needs, so we couldn’t have afforded his treatment without your help. We are overjoyed to see Nishanth running, climbing stairs, and riding his bike,” says his proud mother.

This transformation reflects the impact of compassion and support.

Chandru standing tall

In 2014, Chandru’s mother remembers holding her newborn for the first time and noticing his bent legs. “I knew something was wrong,” she said. “I asked my husband what was happening, and he tried to calm me.”

The diagnosis was daunting for the parents. Whether rich or poor, every parent hopes for a healthy child, and the pain of hearing otherwise is universal. For Chandru’s family, financial constraints and a lack of medical knowledge only intensified their worry.

Today, Chandru’s situation has transformed remarkably. With ongoing physical therapy and multiple adjustments to his orthopedic devices, he now hops, jumps, and sprints with joy. Educating school teachers to ensure Chandru wears his devices consistently has been essential, though the process can be uncomfortable for him.

Having changed his devices over eight times, his parents are thrilled to see him thriving at school and enjoying his childhood. Their intervention has been crucial in preventing isolation and ensuring a brighter future for Chandru.

Chandru’s father, a three-wheeler driver, and his housewife mother are overjoyed by their son’s progress. “It’s a miracle to see him walking and running. All we want is for him to be happy,” they say, reflecting their profound relief and happiness.

Yashwanth walks to school free of pain and shame

Yeshwanth’s start in life was challenging from day one. Born with birth defect that affected his ability to walk, Yeshwanth’s family faced significant hurdles. His mother, Latha, struggling with poor health and living in a joint family, was often blamed for her son’s condition. The family’s financial strain was compounded by the irregular income of his father, a carpenter.

At birth, Yeshwanth’s condition, including a turned left leg, required immediate corrective surgery.  Yeshwanth also needed assistive devices for mobility. We were able to provide these crucial devices, replacing his AFO four times as he grew.

Today, Yeshwanth walks to school with confidence and no longer faces ridicule. Instead, he is celebrated by his peers who admire his ability to walk and run. His family is overjoyed and hopeful for his future, knowing he is on a path to independence. They express their deep gratitude for the ongoing support, which has been vital in affording these essential devices over the past four years.

Yeshwanth shares his happiness: “I’m very happy because I’m walking well and getting to school without struggling.”

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